Informational and Educational Resources (some also sell film, cameras, and supplies)

Casual Photophile - A camera culture website. The editorial side of the camera shop

Down the Road by Jim Grey - A personal blog that is 75% about Jim's hobby of film photography, full of gear reviews and photography tips. Otherwise he shares photos and stories about old cars, old buildings, and old roads, as well as from his life. -  EMULSIVE is a space for film photographers of all ages and backgrounds to share their knowledge, experience and thoughts about everything related to film photography. Includes film stock reviews, essays, photo stories, and interviews with photographers all over the world.

Film Photography Project – Podcast and online resource for film photographers worldwide. Arguably the best podcast regarding film photography right now. Their online store has an exhaustive variety of film in all formats.

TheGasHaus - Collector's site with a wide variety of cameras as well as found film and utilizing 3D-printing to improve or expand the film experience.

Japan Camera Hunter - The website of Bellamy Hunt, AKA Japancamerahunter. Lots of articles about cameras, film, and the well-loved "In Your Bag" series. Bellamy also sources cameras and gear from Japan to customers all around the world. - 35mmc is a blog dedicated to reviews, thoughts and experiences with 35mm compact cameras, rangefinders and their lenses.

Kosmo Foto - camera & film reviews, news, photos, and in-depth opinions and photo essays from around the world--and also the home of Kosmo Foto Film.

Matt Day Photo - A YouTube channel produced by Matt Day, a very passionate photographer covering in great detail topics like bulk loading film, home development, camera reviews, and more. One of the best places to start if you're thinking about developing your film at home. - Film photography reviews with an emphasis on history and backstories. I also replublish period magazine articles and other documents that I find which provide additional insight to our hobby.

PhotoThinking - run by Theo Panagopoulos, writes about classic cameras and his photographic experiences. Articles with how-tos, techniques and combinations of different equipment are a great resource for any photography enthusiast.

The Shoot (Podcast) - Another production by Matt Day. He talks to photographers about life, business, and all aspects related to photography.

Sunny 16 (Podcast) - Dust off your old film camera and join Rachel, Ade and Graeme on their adventures in the wonderful world of analog photography, from point and shoots to pinholes and everything in between.

Places to Buy and Sell Film Photography Equipment

Film Photo Gear (Facebook Group) - A very active community with thousands of members buying, selling, and trading film photography gear.

Film Camera Swap, Buy, and Sell (Facebook Group) - A moderately active and growing group on Facebook centered on buy, sell, and trade of film cameras and related gear.

KEH Camera - An online retailer that buys and sells all photography related equipment, digital and film included. They buy a lot of used gear, and as such, have a constantly rotating stock of gear they sell. Well trusted by the community and they use a very informational rating system for an item's condition.

Treehouse - a creative arts shop in Honolulu, Hawaii specializing in analog photography equipment.

Zoingimage - Stocking a large range of Lomography products, fun and educational DIY cameras, instant cameras, instant film, 35mm, 120mm, photography books and plenty more photography related gifts. A very fun and colorful shop!